Tuesday, November 01, 2011

drag2share: Siri Can Even Tell You a Story (If You Ask Her Enough Times) [IPhone]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5855355/siri-can-even-tell-you-a-story-if-you-ask-her-enough-times

Siri Can Even Tell You a Story (If You Ask Her Enough Times)Bored with Siri yet? Ran out of things to ask her? Then ask her to tell you a story! She'll refuse at first but if you keep on bothering her, she'll relent and tell you her origin story. It's funny!

Easter eggs like this one turn Siri from a really great voice control system to a really great voice control system you actually want to use. There's more depth to her than any robot around. [Geeky Gadgets]

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