Tuesday, November 01, 2011

drag2share: New Mac Trojan Earns Other People Bitcoins on Your Dime [Apple]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5855061/new-mac-trojan-earns-other-peoples-bitcoins-on-your-dime

New Mac Trojan Earns Other People Bitcoins on Your DimeOdd, I could have sworn Bitcoin was on the fast track towards technological irrelevance. So why is this new Mac malware harnessing infected GPUs to mine the digital dollars?

Dubbed DevilRobber, the OSX/Miner-D application is technically spyware but employs a combination of Trojan, backdoor, and sniffer elements. It's spread over BitTorrent networks under the guise of innocuous applications. Once installed, it opens ports on the infected computer and steals personal information as well as turning your graphics processor to its own nefarious purposes. The sneaky bastard will even heist any Bitcoins you have on your system as well. Security experts warn that the most obvious symptom is drastically reduced system speed, so check for updates to your virus definition lists as most most Mac AV vendors have reportedly already patched the vulnerability.

The emergence of this sort of malware shouldn't come as a surprise. Bitcoin-thieving virii for Windows have been around for nearly as long as Bitcoin itself. Between that and the police raids, Bitcoin's quickly becoming more trouble than it's worth. [PC Magazine]

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