Wednesday, January 14, 2015

drag2share: Google moves one step closer to becoming a universal translator


Even with the assistance of modern technology, holding a conversation in two different languages can be difficult. Google Translate allows you to speak with someone and have each utterance translated as text and audio, but until now you had to manually toggle every time the other person talked. As expected, Google is speeding up the process with smarter language recognition and speaker switching, which comes as part of a new update. So when you boot up the app and press the microphone icon, it'll recognise which of the two languages is being spoken, offer a translation and then automatically alternate whenever the conversation flips over. No more tapping on the screen again and again.

In addition, Google has revamped its camera mode to quickly translate words and phrases directly on your screen. So if an important sign on the Paris Metro has you stumped, you should be able to just grab your smartphone, tap the camera icon and wait for a translation to appear augmented reality-style. The feature currently works for English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish words, and Google says it'll be adding support for additional languages over time. Of course, this is hardly a new idea -- Word Lens had a similar proposition, and ever since Google acquired its developer Quest Visual we've been waiting patiently for its inevitable debut.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Neiman Marcus' digital mirror compares clothes side by side


If you've ever wanted to see yourself in a few different outfits before deciding on your next wardrobe, Neiman Marcus now lets you view them side by side. The retailer's Memory Mirror takes video and stills of what you try on for comparison, in addition to 360-degree views so you can see all the angles and items in different colors. As you might expect, snapshots from the digital mirror can be shared, so you can ask your Facebook friends if red really is the best choice. There's also an option to share the session with a salesperson so they can recommend new items next time. Right now, the Memory Mirror is only installed at the Walnut Creek, California location, but other units should be in place by the end month. Hopefully it works with men's clothes, too.

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drag2share: Your Chromebook will let you load a new OS through a USB drive


Toshiba Chromebook 2

If you've been aching to try a different operating system on your Chromebook without running it in a window or otherwise jumping through hoops, you're going to get some relief very shortly. Google's Chrome OS team is adding support for an easy debugging switch that lets you tinker with the system files, such as by installing new drive images. If you want, you'll have the freedom to boot up from a USB drive and load a new OS, such as Linux. This still won't be a solution for the faint-hearted (you're likely on your own if something goes wrong), but it'll simplify things if you're bored with Google's web-centric software.


drag2share: Use your iPhone to access Google's Chrome Remote Desktop


Google said it would allow both iOS and Android users to leverage its Chrome Remote Desktop feature on-the-go, but Apple faithful have yet to get the chance... until today. Once you've installed the desktop app from the Chrome Web Store, access to that machine with an iPhone or iPad is a few taps away. The Android version rolled out last April, and despite a lengthy wait, those who prefer iOS can now make use of the tool. Looking to take it for a spin? The app is available for download at iTunes.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Razer's got a big 50% off sale going on, today only


If you've been anxiously waiting for a price drop on one of Razer's gorgeous, very expensive laptops, today is the day for you: the hardware-maker is celebrating its Best of CES 2015 awards with a massive, one-day sale. The Razer Edge is getting a 30 percent price drop, while all other hardware is getting halved in price. There are, naturally, some limitations: you can only buy one item (so make it count) and you have to be a member of Razer's "Insider" program (which basically means you have to give them your email address and little else). Oh, and the savings end tomorrow (January 13th) at 5:59PM PT, so maybe hurry up if you're gonna do this.

Still on the fence about that laptop? Head over to our review of Razer's Edge laptop from early 2014 right here and find out if it's the one for you!

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Source: Facebook