Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Clamp Shelf Tightens So Your Books Never Fall Again [Wish You Were Here]


Clamp Shelf Tightens So Your Books Never Fall AgainIn one fell swoop designer Colleen Whiteley has put an end to the novelty bookend industry with her brilliantly clever and simple Hold On Tight Shelf. And here's to hoping that every single furniture maker adopts this idea.

The shelf works just like a carpenter's clamp, and features a thin groove that accommodates a sliding aluminum cube and wing nut that can be tightened at any position. Even the heaviest of text books won't be able to cause a literary avalanche when the nut is cranked tight.

Sadly, it's not a real product just yet. But if you head on over to Dwell and vote for it in the site's Live/Work design contest, you might better its chances at one day becoming available for sale.

Clamp Shelf Tightens So Your Books Never Fall Again

[Dwell via Swissmiss]