Monday, June 28, 2010

mSpot Beats Google to Cloud-Based Music Service [Music]


mSpot Beats Google to Cloud-Based Music ServicePutting our music collections in the cloud would be a wonderful thing. So wonderful, even, that Google and Apple have been working on doing just that for months. But why wait? mSpot's letting you Android users do it now.

mSpot has been streaming movies to all four major carriers for some time, but today they announced that they were jumping to the front of the line for cloud-based music on Android handsets.

Here's how it works: any unencrypted music files you own are stored in the cloud, to be played back at any time on your Android phone or PC. The first 2GB you upload are free, while 10GB will cost you $3.00/month and 100GB (a whopping 80,000 songs) will go for $14.00/month.

The catch is that mSpot doesn't have a deal in place with the major record labels, who may be a bit nonplussed to see their content spread widely without additional royalties. But until they make a legal case of it—and until Google and Apple finally release their own services—mSpot will remain the biggest cloud-based music game in town. [mSpot via Media Memo]