Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Make a Wish List from del.icio.us with del.ishli.st [Del.icio.us]

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/244831353/make-a-wish-list-from-delicious-with-delishlist

delishlist_cropped.jpgHaving an easily-accessible wish list means not having to be unpleasantly surprised at your friends and relatives' ... creativity when a birthday, holiday, or plain old surprise rolls around. Rather than creating separate, often hard-to-find wish lists on sites like Amazon or Newegg, del.isili.st can pull any sites you've tagged on social bookmarking site de.icio.us with the phrase "wishlist" and display them on a clean, white page of links. The main drawback is that you have to keep the del.icio.us links public, so anyone could potentially see your material goods fixations, but most wish lists are public on other sites anyway. Del.isihli.st is a free site and requires no sign-up.