Monday, May 12, 2014

drag2share: Google Play Music for iPad found lurking inside iPhone app


If you're a Google Play Music fan and have been limping along with the iPhone version on your iPad, you may already have the big-screen version without knowing it. That's because the iPad bits are already baked in to the iPhone app, according to 9to5 Mac. In fact, you can even activate it now just by changing a setting called "UIDeviceFamily" from 1 to 2, though your iPad will need to be jailbroken (which is currently impossible on iOS 7.1.x). Google Play Music has been a success since it launched on the iPhone in November -- likely helped by a month of free music -- so a pending app redesigned for the iPad's larger screen wouldn't be a surprise. In fact, when contacted by 9to5, a Google rep thought the app was already out, meaning it might just be awaiting the nod from Apple.

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Source: 9to5 Mac

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drag2share: Skylens heads-up display helps pilots 'see' through the fog


Thanks to instrumentation, flying blind in bad weather isn't the problem it used to be, but pilots still suffer the unfortunate effects of spatial disorientation. Not being able to see where you're going causes people to lose their sense of balance and direction, which can sometimes lead to fatal errors -- which is why Elbit Systems has developed the Skylens heads-up display. Looking like a fairly hefty pair of ski goggles, Skylens overlays terrain, runway and horizon data onto the wearer's field of vision, enabling them to work out which way is up in poor-visibility conditions. Any pilots looking to get hold of the gear, however, will have to wait a while, as the hardware is currently being tested for airworthiness, but should be available at some point in 2016.

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Via: GizMag

Source: AviationPros

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

drag2share: Here Are The Biggest Problems With The Password, And Why They May Not Go Away Anytime Soon


Computer hacker

Two years, ago Wired reporter Matt Honan had his entire digital life erased. His AppleID and accounts with Google, Twitter, and Amazon had all been compromised in the span of one hour. The hacker tweeted offensive remarks from his Twitter account and wiped his iPhone, iPad, and MacBook completely clean.

About two months ago, a U.K.-based Reddit user woke up to find that a hacker had stolen a decent sum of money from him by running up the bill on his PlayStation account. The culprit took so much money, in fact, that the author was unable to pay his rent that month.

Both incidents provide examples of what can happen when usernames and passwords fall into the wrong hands. 

Last month, researchers discovered one of the biggest vulnerabilities the internet had ever seen— the Hearbleed bug. Heartbleed occurred as a result of a critical flaw in OpenSSL, a popular encryption standard, which could allow hackers to trick servers into spitting out crucial personal information. 

Since then, experts have been warning the public to change the passwords to their most important accounts. These events, however, raise the question as to whether or not there's a future for the traditional username and password. 

The problem with the password

"I think the password is going the way of the dinosaur," said Jonathan Klein, president of Usher, a company that focuses on mobile identity solutions for enterprise platforms. "I think there's no question that it's a flawed and broken system."

"I think there's no question that it's a flawed and broken system."

There are two basic problems with the password, according to Klein, the more ! obvious of which being that they're not very user friendly.

"One of two things happen," Klein said. "They either forget [their passwords] and they get locked out of their systems...or much more dangerously they do the old famous yellow sticky note. And you’d be surprised if you walk around a corporation or organization that’s supposed to have high security, the number of people that have just written down their username and password on a little sticky note."

The other issue has to do with the nature of the username and password system. Sending critical information, such as your password, to another server makes it susceptible to hackers. In most cases, this type of data is encrypted when it travels between servers to prevent interceptors from reading it. However, if someone learns how to take advantage of a serious vulnerability such as Heartbleed, they could potentially decrypt that information.

"The mere transmission of that sensitive password information across open channels means that it can be stolen or phished," Klein said. "We think the solution is just the complete elimination of usernames and passwords."

Could a fingerprint scanner replace the password? 'Absolutely not.'

Alternatives to the password have existed long before Heartbleed, but none of them have really been implemented on a widespread scale. Both Apple and Samsung have added biometric fingerprint scanners to their newest flagship smartphones, although the technology is most commonly used as more convenient means of unlocking your smartphone. 

FingerprintSensorsThe technology may not be secure enough to ever replace the traditional password, Nicholas Percoco, vice president of strategic services at IT security firm Rapid7, says. When asked whether or not fingerp! rint sca nning technology could make passwords obsolete, he replied "absolutely not."

"The main reason is, it's not necessarily a secret whereas a password could be," Percoco said. "If you think about your fingerprint, every single thing you’ve touched since you woke up this morning has your password on it. So that’s a problem."

It's relatively easy to fool these systems, according to Percoco. If a thief steals your fingerprint-protected iPhone 5s, he or she could lift the fingerprints off your phone's screen. In September, German hackers figured out how to get around the iPhone 5s' biometric sensor just two days after the phone was released. Researchers in Germany were also able to fool the Galaxy S5's fingerprint scanner into accepting a mold of an enrolled finger rather than the real thing.

"The other thing is, you can't change your fingerprints," Percoco said. "So you really only have 10 shots."

 The right solution

qr codeMulti-factor authentication is the best way to make sure hackers don't get ahold of your personal information. This is the process where you type in your password and a secondary password gets sent to your phone via text message. Many accounts and services, including Google, offer two-factor authentication today. In theory, a hacker would need both your password and your smartphone to access your accounts. That's unlikely to happen.

However, both Klein and Liam O Murchu, a senior manager at security firm Symantec, imagine a future that involves combining various types of verification techniques.

For example, Klein praised the system used at Usher's parent company MicroStrategy, which involves using your smartphone to scan a QR code on your computer screen to login rather than typing ! in a use rname and password.

An encrypted mobile ID would be stored on your phone, which tells the computer that you're authorized to log in. This type of technology could be even more secure if you're using a phone with biometric authentication such as the iPhone 5s or Galaxy S5.

"There's nothing to intercept, there's nothing to steal, there's nothing to remember, and it's perfectly secure," he said. "We think that this is the future—the combination of biometrics and encryption on a smartphone."

Using more than one type of authentication could also address the concerns Percoco acknowledged earlier. For example, if a phone or bank account required both voice verification and a fingerprint swipe, an intruder would have a much more difficult time obtaining your information even if he or she imitated your fingerprints.

Why aren't we using it today?

Technology that can prevent our digital identities from being stolen already exist, but they're not part of our everyday lives just yet. That's largely because the technology simply isn't reliable enough yet to be rolled out on such a large scale, O Murchu said.

"I still think it's a very young market," he said in reference to biometric security and facial recognition. "It still needs to be tested. The two models [iPhone 5s and Galaxy S5] that came out with the fingerprint scanner were a real gamble as to whether or not they would be secure enough."

In about five years, O Murchu believes we'll see some strong competitors to the traditional password, although standard username logins will continue to exist. Technology similar to the facial recognition used in Microsoft's Xbox One could easily translate to an everyday smartphone over the next few years.

"Maybe three or five years out we'll see something where you just look at the phone and it recognizes your face and it logs you in," O Murchu said.

facebook facial recognitionAccording to Klein, there are two key reasons why biometrics and QR-scanning systems haven't hit the mainstream yet.

Like O'Murchu, he said that these types technology still need to be perfected. But he also emphasized that smartphone adoption is now high enough around the world to make this type of login technique a reality.

Klein says there are 2 billion smartphones in circulation worldwide, and that number is expected to double within the next three years. 

"We think this shift is going to happen quickly," Klein said. "2014 is the first time really in history when it really could happen. Realistically usernames and passwords will be here for a while. We just think that there’s going to be an important shift taking place to find a new and better solution." 

SEE ALSO: How To Create Super Strong Passwords To Protect Yourself From The Heartbleed Bug

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drag2share: Disney's Pixelbots Turn a Flat Surface Into a Moving Dot-Matrix Display


Disney's Pixelbots Turn a Flat Surface Into a Moving Dot-Matrix Display

When you think of Disney animation, you probably envision cartoons drawn either by hand or computer. You probably don't think of little light-up robots that zip around a tabletop to make dot-matrix designs. But that's exactly what Disney Research came up with in Display Swarm, a research project that makes an animated display out of mini robotic pixels.


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drag2share: In Defense of GIFs in Science Writing


In Defense of GIFs in Science Writing

University of Oxford PhD student Andrew Bissette recently published a diatribe against the Internet's favorite form of looping media, arguing that science writers should not use GIFs to explain science. He's wrong. His heart is in the right place. His argument is even halfway sound. But he's wrong.


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Saturday, May 10, 2014

drag2share: This 4K New Zealand Timelapse Transports You to Lord of the Rings Land


This 4K New Zealand Timelapse Transports You to Lord of the Rings Land

Super-sharp 4k video, in the right hands, is powerful technology . Witness the grandeur of New Zealand's dreamlike landscapes, brought straight to you by Martin Heck.


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drag2share: Google wants your help making cheaper, tinier solar power systems


Berlin Presents Alternative Energy Projects

Solar panels have become cheaper and more efficient in recent years, but you can't say the same for the big, costly inverters turning their energy into usable electricity. Google isn't happy with this lack of progress, so it's about to launch the Little Box Challenge, an open competition to build a tiny (and consequently cheaper) solar power inverter. The search giant is promising $1 million to whoever cracks the problem, although it warns that this won't be easy; don't expect to reach a breakthrough in your basement. If someone does produce this miniscule power box, though, it could lead to eco-friendly energy in places where it's currently unaffordable or otherwise impractical -- whether it's a remote village or your own rooftop.


Friday, May 09, 2014

drag2share: China's Maglev Train Prototype Could Reach Speeds of 1,800 MPH


China's Maglev Train Prototype Could Reach Speeds of 1,800 MPH

A research team in China just successfully tested a blisteringly fast transportation concept: super-maglev, a high speed train that could theoretically hit speeds of up to 1,800 miles per hour. That's three times the speed of a passenger jet.


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drag2share: Cablevision starts crowdsourcing Wi-Fi hotspots


Cablevision revealed on its earnings call Thursday that it has been rolling out new smart wireless gateways, which create the equivalent of two wireless networks at the end of every cable modem, LightReading reported. The first is the customer’s private home network. The second is a public network, which any Cablevision broadband customer can connect to.

It’s the crowdsourced Wi-Fi model that Comcast has been pursuing aggressively since last year to grow its Wi-Fi hotspot network into neighborhoods, and it appears Cablevision has similar ambitions. According to LightReading, Cablevision plans to have 1 million hotspot nodes in the New York City tri-state area by the end of the year.

Cablevision has always been hot on Wi-Fi. It was the first to start installing outdoor public hotspots in a commercial corridors and high-trafficked public areas throughout its cable territory. But the addition of these new neighborhoods will give its customers access in areas beyond those so-called “hot zones.”

Though you can’t use Wi-Fi to build a cellular-network replacement, the cable operators have been toying with the concept of Wi-Fi First. In such a model networks using unlicensed airwaves could provide an underlying layer of cheap data access, complementing and in some case supplanting 3G and 4G networks. The more Wi-Fi is available in more places, the less we’re dependent on cellular data and ultimately that will make the costs of mobile networking go down.

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drag2share: Philips continues its lighting revolution, tweaking LEDs for hydroponic growing


Philips has taken the concept of lighting far beyond the traditional options as it has embraced LEDs. From connected hue bulbs for the consumer to giant sheets of lighting for architects, the company is taking the flexibility and programability offered by LEDs and changing how lighting is used. Much like the internet took the concept of phone calls and augmented that experience until it was so much more, Philips is doing the same with LEDs.

The latest example comes from the Green Sense Farms near Chicago. This indoor farm has outfitted a one-million-cubic-foot growing space with fourteen 25-foot-tall growing towers in two climate-controlled rooms for growing crops. Green Sense has been working with Philips to develop specific lighting recipes for different crops to help increase yields. The Philips LEDs emit the most appropriate wavelength of light for each plant so they can be grown indoors in racks without ever having to go outside. Because LEDs don’t get hot, they can sit close to the plants, and because they can be programmed to produce many variations of wavelengths (some we can’t see but plants can use), one can program the lights for the needs of a particular crop.

This is literally factory farming. Green Sense Farms grows the crops using machines to plant the seeds and then shunts them into racks in containers six stacks high. There’s no sunlight. The seeds germinate and seedlings are moved from the germination pod to the propagation pod. It is organic, uses the LEDs and can be produced inside urban areas, but it’s kinda creepy. This is how we will farm on spaceships as we leave our depleted earth and travel to other worlds.

Jokes about grow lamps and hydroponics aside, the problem Philips and Green Sense are hoping to help solve is of growing interest in Silicon Valley as companies try to apply technology to feeding the world’s growing population. From big purchases like Monsanto’s buy of Climate Corp. to startups using robotics, data algorithms or even manufactured nutrients, investors and entrepreneurs are looking at the future of food and seeing a chance to innovate.

Philips is no exception. What is cool about the company’s approach here is that it’s developing partnerships across an array of industries to try to take advantage of the opportunities that LED lighting offers to change design, provide ambient information and now, change our food production. It’s a lot of fun to watch.

Related research and analysis from Gigaom Research:
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drag2share: Scientists are trying to help taxis beat Uber at its own game


Stockbyte Platinum

Taxi companies aren't pleased with Uber and Lyft, but they could be making way better use of ride-sharing technology themselves, according to researchers. A study by MIT and Fujitsu examined why cabs are usually underutilized, but never available during surge periods when you need them. To combat that, they developed on-demand tech that automatically assigns vehicles three possible operating states: taxi, ride-sharing and fixed-route modes. Customers could choose one of those when they order a ride, and immediately receive the boarding times and fares, which would vary by mode. That could save passengers a lot of money, and a test on Tokyo roads resulted in operators making 80 percent more profits too. Fujitsu's goal is to see it operating in Tokyo by 2016, but it might take some convincing to get it adopted more widely. Still, why not beat the upstarts at their own game?


drag2share: Solar Highways wants $1 million to turn the US' roads into an energy farm


At some point, you've probably sat back and said "Couldn't we solve climate change and the broader energy crisis just by sticking solar panels to everything?" It's not a bad idea, mind, but the cost and resistance to such a scheme would make it a nightmare to implement. But what about if we turned the nation's highways into solar farms that we could drive along? Scott and Julie Brusaw have been working on that idea, and after a decade of partially-successful flirting with the US Government, they're taking to Indiegogo to ask us to fund the next phase of their solar roadway.

Each interlocking hexagonal segment is covered with toughened and textured glass that's capable of withstanding 250,000 pounds. Beneath that, you've got a solar panel, a series of LED lights and a heating element that'll keep the ice and snow off the hardware in winter. The lights are used to replace conventional traffic lights, offering constantly updating safety warnings and guide lines that can adapt to traffic conditions on the fly.

The system would require a trench running down one side, which would hold the power cables, but could also be used as the backbone for a potential new high-speed data network. As each panel would also be connected, it'd instantly report a fault back to a maintenance engineer, and also track its location, should someone decide to steal one for their own nefarious uses.

Naturally, a nationwide, decentralized power grid could potentially guarantee energy independence and provide near-limitless power for our EVs and homes. That's why the couple is asking for a whopping $1 million required to hire the materials scientists, civil and structural engineers necessary to turn the panels from neat idea to workable project. There are plenty of pitfalls, and we're wondering if heating the ground to keep the roadway clear wouldn't in itself cause more climate change, but hopefully that's another issue that your cash could fix.

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Via: Fast Company

Source: Indiegogo

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drag2share: CNN turns Google Glass owners into citizen journalists


Day Three Of Mobile World Congress 2014

Sometimes breaking news happens right before your eyes while you're out and about. If you happen to be wearing Google Glass when those events take place, CNN now has a way for you to share photos and videos of the action directly from the headset. The news outfit announced the addition to its iReport citizen journalism effort earlier this week, and it's claiming to be "the first major news network" to allow contributing via the wearable. If you're interested in joining up, you'll have to authorize CNN to send notifications to Glass and link up an iReport profile in the settings. When you've completed those steps, the appropriate avenue for beaming captured media to the newsroom will appear as a sharing option for photos and videos. Folks have already opted in, as the first mobile coverage (relating to gas prices in Miami) can be seen here.


Thursday, May 08, 2014

drag2share: This is the starstuff you and everything else are made of


This is the starstuff you and everything else are made of

This is a grain of interstellar dust. To get one of these, your best bet is to get into a spaceship for a couple hundred years and get close enough to a red giant star, near its atmosphere. That's where they're formed and ejected into space. Or, like NASA, you can create a machine to make one from scratch—for the first time ever.


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drag2share: The world would be a much better place if everyone listened to this


The world would be a much better place if everyone listened to this

The Pale Blue Dot—a book that should be mandatory for every single student in the world—is a vision of the cosmos that will inspire you to be a better human being. It's full of memorable passages but this is the best—the one that gives its title to the book.


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