Wednesday, April 16, 2014

drag2share: Chrome Remote Desktop for Android browses a PC or Mac from your phone


While we'd seen rumblings that it was in beta testing, Google's Chrome Remote Desktop app for Android made its official debut today. This means that those who fancy Mountain View's mobile OS can take a gander at files that reside on a Windows or Mac machine that's safely docked in the office. The Remote Desktop app has been available on the desktop for quite some time, and now the same access is available through Chrome on Android smartphones and tablets. For those who prefer Apple's devices, an iOS version of the software should be on the way soon.

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Source: Google Chrome Blog, Google Play

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drag2share: Toshiba's vision for Project Ara extends to wearables and beyond


Project Ara is primarily focused on building a modular smartphone in the hopes of changing the industry, but is that the only type of mobile device on the drawing board? Absolutely not. An executive at Toshiba, one of Google's partners on the project, just revealed that his company's vision of the concept goes beyond smartphones. Shardul Kazi, Senior VP and Technology Executive at Toshiba, posited that devices like smartwatches (and beyond, he says) could also take advantage of Ara's blocky component modules, which allow you to mix and match whatever features and components you want to have.

During his presentation at the Ara Developer Conference, Kazi showed the above slide depicting a module being removed from the Ara phone and placed into a wearable device. Indeed, just as the handset has an endoskeleton that makes it possible for blocks to attach to the phone in the first place, a future wearable could certainly be constructed the same way. Kazi's example here relates to activity trackers with nine-axis sensors and Bluetooth LE, but it's not limited to just that particular use case; such a thing would be wide open to the imagination of module makers and developers.

Kazi's quick to point out that this is purely an idea at this point and isn't actually in development. Still, it goes to show how easily adaptable this kind of platform could be to other form factors -- if consumers love using modular smartphones, might they feel the same way about modular tablets, smartwatches and other wearables? Naturally, the folks behind Ara don't want to bite off more than they can chew -- just putting together a phone in less than two years is a job and a half for the team, after all -- but it makes sense to see how many other ways the same tech can benefit our lives.

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drag2share: How to Turn Off Facebook's Auto-Playing Video Ads


How to Turn Off Facebook's Auto-Playing Video Ads

Facebook recently introduced auto-playing video ads on desktop and mobile, but thankfully there's now a switch to opt out. Here's what you have to do.


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drag2share: Google Street View Accidentally Made an Algorithm That Cracks CAPTCHAs


Google Street View Accidentally Made an Algorithm That Cracks CAPTCHAs

House numbers on Google Street View can turn up as blobby, blurry things, so its engineers built a pretty crazy neural network to decipher them. Except this algorithm also turns out to be very very good at deciphering other blobby, blurry texts—like CAPTCHAs, which it cracks with 99 percent accuracy. Take that, human.


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drag2share: 10 Ingenious Reinventions Of Everyday Products


There are certain things that don't need to be reinvented, like the wheel.

But once in a while, someone transforms an everyday object no one thought could be improved.

Here are some of the best redesigns of regular household objects we've recently seen.

1. This kitchen table doubles in size in mere seconds.

fletcher expandable tableThe Fletcher Capstan Table expands from a standard 6.5- or 10-foot table to one that measures anywhere between 20 and 30 feet across.

The round tables come in four standard sizes, and expand by simply rotating the top 180 degrees manually or electronically by remote. The tables are customizable, and range from $50,000 to $70,000 on the UK Fletcher website.

2. “LiquiGlide” allows condiments to flow effortlessly out of a bottle.

liquiglide gifLiquiGlide is a coating of non-toxic materials that allows every single drop of your favorite condiment to flow out effortlessly, reducing a ton of waste.

Invented by five MIT students and their professor, LiquiGlide was named one of Time’s Best Inventions of 2012 and came in second in MIT’s $100,000 Entrepreneurship Competition. The inventors currently create the coating for specific clients.

3. These ‘invisible’ bike helmets inflate on impact.

hovding invisible bike helmetThe Hövding, or invisible bike helmet, is the brainchild of two students at the University of Lund. The Hövding is actually an air bag that uses a helium gas cylinder to inflate when its sensors detect a sudden jolt.

The airbag is like a hood, except it’s shock absorbent and able to withstand multiple head impacts. The helmets are expensive, retailing on Hövding for more than $400 (£299).

4. An Austrian artist reinvented the door with origami panels.

torggler evolution door large gifArtist Klemens Torggler's Evolution Door is a 4-panel "flip panel door" that opens and closes elegantly as though it's made of pieces of paper. 

Torggler has a few variations on this door, including one with origami-esque triangles that fold out to help the door move, and another system with rods that rotate two square panels. He sells them on his website for an undisclosed price (which depends on materials and design).

5. The toilet of the future folds up to save water and space.

iota toilet large gifTwo British university students invented the Iota toilet, which folds! in afte r use. Its creators claim it uses 50% less water than a stationary toilet, and is also comparatively smaller, so it can fit into tiny bathrooms. The  rimless design also makes it much easier to clean.

Currently the Iota is just a concept, but with an overwhelming Internet response, it could become a reality.

6. These light bulbs are Wi-Fi-enabled, multicolored, and smartphone-controlled.

lifx lightbulbFirst funded on Kickstarter where it raised more than $1 million, LIFX is a new kind of lightbulb that is not only multicolored, but can be controlled through any device with Wi-Fi and an app.

The bulbs can last up to 25 years, and have a lot of cool functions. In addition to changing colors, there's a sleep mode that dims your lights at night and brightens them in the morning, as well as a switch you control with your phone. The bulbs sell at LIFX for $99.

7. A shapeless water blob could replace today's water bottles.

ooho water blobOoho is a biodegradable and edible membrane made of brown algae that can hold water. The flexible water bottle kind of resembles a silicone implant, and is easy to break and sip from.

Ooho was developed by three London design students who were aiming to make something sustainable, durable, and cheap — it only costs two cents to make, though the bizarre shape could prove problematic for on-the-go drinking. Ooho currently remains a prototype.

8. This regenerating candle can be reused again and again.

Called the Rekindle Candle and designed by artist Benjamin Shine, this candle holder collects melting wax to form a new candle in the base.

As the candle burns, melting wax drips down from the candle and accumulates inside a transparent stem with a wick. Once the candle is completely melted, you can crack open the mold to remove a new, fully formed candle (you can then start the whole process over again).

Due to an outpouring of support, Shine's prototype is now coming to market.

9. An inflatable, revolutionary car seat will change the game for parents.

volvo inflatable car seatVolvo’s new rear-facing car seat inflates in 40 seconds using an integrated pump. It only weighs 11 pounds, which is about half the weight of a regular car seat. Deflated, it fits neatly into a backpack, especially convenient for parents traveling with a kid.

The reinvented car seat is made with a fabric that can sustain high internal pressure, originally developed by the military and now used by the boating industry. There's no word on when the inflatable seat could come to market, but hopefully it will be soon.

10. This nightlight keeps outlets free and lasts for 25 years.

SnapPower night light gifThe SnapRays GuideLight went absolutely crazy on Kickstarter after being posted in March, raising nearly $470,000 over its initial goal.

It’s pretty easy to see why, since the light replaces bulky night lights that take up outlet space, and is easy to assemble. You can pre-order the SnapRays GuideLight through creator Jeremy Smith’s website at $15 for one, $42 for three, $65 for five, and $120 for 10.

SEE ALSO: 12 Awesome Gifts Ideas That Appeared On 'Shark Tank'

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