Friday, March 21, 2008

One Seriously Tight Light Bike


Like to ride your bike after the sun sets? Are you a real Night Rider? Confused as to why trucks don’t seem to notice your pleads for attention and keep slamming your bones around the city streets? Well if you like life and don’t want to die while cruising down the avenues after dark, this bike design by Niklas Galler called “Tong City Bike” just might be all the vehicular enlightenment you’ll need. The designer’s concerns for your safety have manifested in this brilliant (pun intended) bike design that is not only low maintenance, but also safe and secure. The low maintenance aspect is in the all-in-one housing for the brake system, drivetrain, shock absorbers and gears. The safe aspect comes from the use of integrated light tubes that can be customized to any color you desire, making you a more obvious target. Last but not least, this rolling rig even comes with a mini lockable safe, for storing your mobile phone, wallet, light saber or Batphones.

Designer: Niklas Galler


New Blog Aggregator from AT&T That Can Read Stories For You


buzz-blog-aggregatorTelephone company AT&T has launched a nice blog aggregator (called Buzz) that collects the most popular stories from blogs across different categories such as Technology, Sports, Gossip, etc.

While you are reading a story on Buzz, you also get to see reactions from other blogs on the same story which I think is really useful.

And if you are doing something else like checking email or reading another site, Buzz has a 3D avatar that can read the current story for you in the background. Not bad either. may be no substitute for our favorite Techmeme but still a site worth checking out.  And I have now clue how they pick blogs for including in their index.

New Blog Aggregator from AT&T That Can Read Stories For You - Digital Inspiration | FAQ | RSS


Read DOCX Files in Internet Explorer - No Word 2007 Required


word docx reader Question: How do you quickly read a docx document on some computer that has no Microsoft Office Word 2007 and is neither connected to the Internet (online conversion is therefore ruled out).

Solution: No worries, you can make a docx reader out of Internet Explorer or any other text editor (like notepad) - just follow these steps:

Step 1: Change the file extension of your docx file to .zip (hello.docx ->

Step 2: Extract the contents of this zip file locally using Winzip or any other unzip utility.

docx-readerStep 3: Open the “word” folder in the extracted files and you should see a file called document.xml.

Open document.xml inside Internet Explorer and there you have the full text of your docx document.

If there are any images or charts, they’ll be available under a sub-folder called media.

Though you get to read the text without formatting, it’s still a useful technique to know.

Related: Download Word 2007 Viewer for DOCX

Read DOCX Files in Internet Explorer - No Word 2007 Required - Digital Inspiration | FAQ | RSS


Interesting Quotes Spotted on Twitter




Interesting Quotes Spotted on Twitter - Digital Inspiration | FAQ | RSS


Login Into Multiple Google Talk Accounts At Once


multiple gmail gtalk id It can be frustrating if you maintain two or more accounts on GTalk especially when there are no overlaps and each account has a different set of friends.

You need to log off Account A in order to chat with friends of Account B and vice-versa.

I face this problem all the time because my old Google Talk ID, that has most friends, is associated with a Gmail account while the newer one is on Google Apps.

Though there are hacks that allow you to run multiple instances of Google Talk simultaneously using the nomutex paramter with gtalk.exe, a much better solution is Disgby.

With Disgby, you can chat with multiple Gmail IDs simultaneously in one client. You can even switch to offline or invisible modes, a privilege currently not available in the standard Google Talk client.

Best of all, you can use the same Disgby client to read Facebook messages and Twitter updates. Highly recommended. | Check out some more Google Talk Hacks

Login Into Multiple Google Talk Accounts At Once - Digital Inspiration | FAQ | RSS