Wednesday, February 20, 2008, CdC's new web data auditing tool, launches


Oxblood Ruffin shares word that Cult of the Dead Cow just launched a large-scale scanner project,

SECURITY ADVISORY: The following program may screw a large Internet search engine and make the Web a safer place.

LUBBOCK, TX, February 20th – Today CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc), the world's most attractive hacker group, announced the release of Goolag Scanner, a Web auditing tool. Goolag Scanner enables everyone to audit his or her own Web site via Google. The scanner technology is based on "Google hacking", a form of vulnerability research developed by Johnny I Hack Stuff. He's a lovely fellow. Go buy him a drink.

"It's no big secret that the Web is the platform", said cDc spokesmodel, Oxblood Ruffin. "And this platform pretty much sucks from a security perspective. Goolag Scanner provides one more tool for Web site owners to patch up their online properties. We've seen some pretty scary holes through random tests with the scanner in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. If I were a government, a large corporation, or anyone with a big Web site, I'd be downloading this beast and aiming it at my site yesterday. The vulnerabilities are that serious."

Goolag Scanner will be released open source under the GNU Affero General Public license. It is dedicated to the memory of Wau Holland, founder of the Chaos Computer Club, and a true champion of privacy rights and social justice.


GoolagScan is a standalone windows GUI based application.

* Configuration. gS uses one xml-based configuration file for its settings.

* Data-House-holding. All dorks coming with the distribution of gS are kept inside one file.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Highlight an Image in HTML Code [Fun]


lh_text_logo.jpgEntice and excite your friends with a strangely addictive trick that utilizes some interesting CSS techniques to allow you to see a highlighted image within text. Choose your desired phrase (a paragraph works too) and input the URL of any image in the text boxes. Then press generate. Voila! You'll see a huge chunk of text. Now, highlight the text and watch it turn into the image of your choosing. The code can be downloaded to put on any web page so that you can share the love on your own site too. For other cool toys, check out developer Erik Kastner's Spell with Flickr.


New solar cell cuts out the middle man, harvests hydrogen from water


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Some Penn State researchers are taking a cue from nature and have built the first solar cell that can effectively split water to harvest the hydrogen. While the technology and efficiency of electricity-gathering solar cells has been humming on nicely, cells that can pull hydrogen out of water directly (instead of using solar-harvested electricity to do it) have found that the catalysts conducive to separating hydrogen and oxygen are usually pretty good at putting the two gases right back together again. The folks at Penn State have now developed a process that more closely mimics the photosynthesis process in plants, and while we won't pretend to understand all the nitty gritty of dye usage and other such nonsense, we do know that such a system could eventually attain 15% or so efficiency, providing a nice and clean way to gather power for that fuel cell car of the future.

[Image courtesy of]


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Mtron announces a 1.8-inch 128GB SSD


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We've already seen a couple 2.5-inch SSDs hit 128GB, but Mtron, our new favorite crazy storage vendor, has just announced a 1.8-inch 128GB SSD. That's the same size as the drives in the MacBook Air, Latitude XT, and Lenovo X300 -- and since drive height isn't as closely related to storage capacity for SSDs, look for 1.8-inch SSDs to become the new standard in most new laptops as capacities increase and prices fall. Of course, "prices fall" is the operative phrase here -- Mtron's 1.8-inch 128GB disk will probably set you back some $1600 when it ships in April. Yeah, we'll stick with the platters for now.

[Via jkOnTheRun]


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Friday, February 15, 2008

Can photographers be plagiarists?

The father-and-son photography team of Horst and Daniel Zielske caused a stir in September when their show, "Megalopolis Shanghai," opened at MKG, a museum in Hamburg, Germany. But it wasn't the sort of stir any artist could relish. Another German photographer, Peter Bialobrzeski, accused the pair of ripping off two images from his highly acclaimed series "Neon Tigers"—right down to the luminous, Blade Runner-like glow that was the "Neon Tigers" signature.

Top: Peter Bialobrzeski, Shanghai, 2001 (#57). Image from Bottom: H. & D. Zielske, Nanpu Bridge, Shanghai, 2002. Image from

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