Monday, January 07, 2008

Sling Modem Combines Cable Modem + Slingbox [Sling]


IMG_3032.JPGThe Pitch: The Sling Modem, which is a Slingbox and a Cable Modem combined into one—NOT TWO!!!—gadget. It'll be available directly from cable providers, but no partnerships have been announced yet.
The Catch: You're limited to only one type of Slingbox with this Modem, so you're SOL if you want to get this or that type of box.


OQO Going 64GB SSD and Sunlight Viewable Screen Version [UMPCs]


owo2.jpegOQO Model 2 just got a 64GB SSD storage option and Sunlight viewable screen [Dynamism]


Pioneer 9mm-Thin Concept Plasma Ogled From All Angles [Ces 2008]


KuroThin3600.jpgWe just got an exclusive look at the super-thin 9mm Kuro plasma concept from Pioneer, and frankly it's hard to believe that it's real at all. It's holy-smokes thin—yes, even thinner than an iPhone. Even at the center where it balloons out to a whopping 18mm or so, it's still, you know, Kate Moss. How soon until you get one of these in your house? Not soon enough, amigo. So for now, it's just you and these sweet sweet pics. Go ahead and drool. We'll leave the room. [Pioneer CES 2008]


This Video Makes Bill Gates Look Cooler Than Steve Jobs [Bill]


OMG, I can hear the fanboys battling already. Here's a video from last night's CES 2008 keynote, Bill Gates' last for the foreseeable future. And I know its scripted, edited and contrived, but I'm sold: The man is a cool geek. He's not cool in a fonzie/Jobs kind of way in this video. But very much like how he seemed at total ease with his geekiness and place in the universe at Mossberg and Swisher's All Things D conference the guy just looks happy here. (Especially while playing goofy and modest butt of the joke with this short's star studded cast.) He seems nothing like the anti-antitrust mogul with a killer instinct and "bad taste" we learned to hate in Pirates of Silicon Valley. Fanboys, get to your comment battle stations. Just leave me out of it -- I only wrote the headline.


Alienware curved display rocks Crysis at 2880 x 900


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Don't get all frothed up quite yet because it's still only a prototype, but this sweet doublewide curved DLP display with OLED illumination from Alienware will reportedly be available in the second half of '08. The curvature of the 2880 x 900 rez screen mimics peripheral vision, and in action the performance seemed pretty flawless to our Crysis-dazzled eyes (official specs report less than .02-millisecond response time). We did notice three faint vertical dividing lines that appeared to indicate four sub-panels making up this screen, but we may be willing to suspend disbelief in exchange for the potential of indulgent wrap-around immersion. There's not even an inkling of an MSRP on this thing yet, but you know we're gonna be keeping our eyes on this sucker for ya. Pics below and don't miss our video footage.


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