Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google Keep note taking service officially launches on web and Android (video)


Google Keep note taking website and Android app launch along with an intro video

The Google Keep note taking service that leaked out a few days ago has officially launched. There's a website and an Android app for now, and a post on the Google Drive blog it's intended for users to quickly jot down ideas. They're saved on Google Drive -- which probably explains why this exists instead of the axed Google Notebook service -- and on Android 4.2.2 there's a lock screen widget available for even easier access. Check after the break for a trailer explaining the new service's features, or just hit the links below to try it out for yourself to see if it can best alternatives like Evernote. That is, is if you can get in. While it was working for us initially, many are seeing "error encountered" messages now as the masses flood the service.

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Source: Google Drive blog, Google Keep, Google Play